Packing and Unpacking for 64 bit Data in PHP 5.3
In arise of PHP 5.3 supports of 64 bit data processing , But small things was missed like
Packing and Unpacking for 64 bit. in Perl , Q argument used for processing 64 bit data.
$vBinData = pack("Q", 0x123456781234568);
$vHexData = bin2hex($vBinData);
list(,$v32Value) = unpack('Q', chr(0x80).chr(0x00).chr(0x00).chr(0x00).chr(0x00).chr(0x00).chr(0x00).chr(0x09));
print $v32Value;
echo hexdec(dechex($v32Value)) . "0x" . dechex($v32Value) ;
All the Extension source code is located at php5.3-200904221230/ext/. Hence Adding functionlaity for packing & unpacking for 64 bit, download teh source code
from here and paste it to location at
and then compile it , run enjoy it